When is the Relationship Really Over
Signs of an ending relationship:
1. Quietness – Feel like you’ve completely lost topics to talk about with your partner? Nothing but silence in the car, at the dinner table, or in bed? This is the number one sign for a break-up. .
2. Sex Turns Stale – “Wow, that was it?” You ask yourself every time afterward. Not all relationships need to be based on this one, but for the majority, this one counts, A lot.
3. Nagging, Bickering, Arguing – Whatever you want to call it, if you are continuously doing this with your partner just throw in the towel.
4. Everything about them annoys you – The way they dress, talk, even the way that they eat just drives you mad! Just end it, please.
Ways to get over your break-up:
1. Online Dating – especially free dating offered at sites like theHotSpotGuide.com, 100% free dating
2. Only if you have very trusty worthy friends, ask them to hook you up with co -workers, or friends.
3. Only if 1 or 2 does not work should you go on blind dates.