Ways To Get Your Girlfriend Back – 5 Things You Can Do To Help Rekindle Your Relationship
Relationships are very fragile in the best of situations but if one want to make a clean break it becomes very hard to put it back together and rekindle the feelings of love. Not only is it nerve-racking but also stressful and frustrating to mend a broken relationship and if you’re not careful these feeling will spill over into other phases of your life including your workplace. Even if a breakup occurs there are some things you can do to try to repair the broken relationship and get your girlfriend back. You should first ask yourself do you really want to mend the relationship and if you’re sure than your main goal is going to be to change your ex girlfriend’s thinking to join you and try to rekindle the feelings you both had in the beginning.
5 Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Back:
*Be Strong- Whatever you do don’t act needy. If you start pleading with your ex girlfriend to take you back and make all sorts of promises that you will change and fix what you did wrong you will come off as a needy person. Don’t do it. First of all you need to figure out what went wrong with your relationship and then proceed with caution slowly. Act strong and confident and you will be much better off.
*Minimize Communication- Don’t start calling 5 times a day every day. This will destroy any chance to get back together. Give some time for both of you to calm down and think things out. Time heals all wounds and you need to give yourself enough time to get over the hurt. Once the hurt passes then you can analysis what happened and what went wrong and try to fix it. This time out also gives your ex girlfriend time to reconsider her decision about the breakup. Remember keep your focus on your primary goal to get back together.
*Be Flexible- Here’s an important part of starting to fix things. Show your Ex that you are mature enough not to take revenge for being hurt. If she has things at your place just let her know that there’s no rush to get them out. She can pick up her things in her own time. Remember she is going to have a little guilt feeling about breaking up with you and if you start demanding things then she’ll know she was right in breaking up.
*Go Out and Socialize- This is very important because you don’t want to sit home and stew. You need to get out and be with your friends and meet some new friends. Have fun. This doesn’t mean you have to start dating a lot or going whole hog to meet other women. Just get out and let yourself heal! This will be very therapeutic for you and also convince your ex that you can live without her.
*Simply be Yourself. Finally be yourself. don’t try to be someone you’re not. There is a good reason you and your ex got together in the beginning and you need to return to that point again. Being yourself shows self confidence and pride and your ex will see that and hopefully reconsider her position.