Top 10 Ways To Avoid The Depression After A Relationship Breakup

Falling in love is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us.

Maintaining a relation needs patience and in general breaking up

demolishes the whole being, when the same is a matter of a truly emotional

and spiritual love. What began with the target to be together forever and

now it is in a crossroads or a separation can be very difficult to overcome.

The circumstances of life and the fate often tend to interfere in the

affectionate relations. To survive all alone without couple is undoubtedly

very hard after having had a nice relation. It turns out to be a very hard task

to many persons.

Mornings are very awesome because they are the beginning of a long new

day for the heart and some persons do not know how to spend the day

alone again. Some of them are caught by depressive states. Others lose

the appetite, want neither to go out, nor speak with friends or relatives. They

remain in bed remembering the love they lost and tied up to the memories.

Day by day these feelings turn the person more and more defenseless and

vulnerable. Some of them feel that life has no sense anymore. The loss of

a love can feel as a very deep pain and cause great distresses.

Even to have suicidal thoughts is quite common between those who have

been pushed back or have broken a relation. Basically it depends on how

much they value a relation. If one person walks away because he/shee

sees someone else, then the other part of the couple feels that quite

unpleasant feeling of being left for someone better, more beautiful and

intelligent. The reasons of a rupture can be great, but the heart does not

understand these things.



1. Comment to someone on your feelings. Avoid to bottle your emotions,

let them flow.

2. Do not beg him or her to return. If he or she has decided to go away, do

not try to make them return.

3. Avoid the self-compassion.

4. Throw away all the photos or things that remind you the moments lived


5. If there is a ring in the relation, return it.

6. Read articles and news on the actuality. You are going to understand how

many persons are suffering in this world. Your anxiety will seem smaller

when you compare it with that of the victims of famine, floods or terrorist


7. Focus your mind in your career.

8. Get involved in your family matters and take care of those who need you.

9. Take part of a charity or organization to help others.

10. Do not hate the rest of the men or women, they are not all equal.

The pain that a breakup causes is not easy to overcome. But all the

wounds are healed by the time. Do not stand still hoping that someone else

extracts you out of the hole; it is you who have to get out by your own

means. Learn to think and remain positive.