The Weekend Relationship
During the week there are hundreds of details that need tending to. There are things to do, people to see, places to go. So its not surprising that romance naturally falls to the back of the list of things to do. To many people, romance is a treat that is to be savored only on special occasions; or whenever it feels like we deserve it, usually after denying ourselves of it in favor of a lot of hard work.
As satisfying and renewing as romantic relationships are, we are still not quite at the place to see them as part of a healthy lifestyle. Even though there is a lot of hard scientific evidence to support making romance a healthy part of every day, many people leave it to the weekends to partake of their special treat.
Couples who dont live to together may only have the weekends to see each other or spend any real quality time to together. But even married couples, and couples who live together, put their romance off until Friday after work. This may seem okay to a certain extent, but given the fact that there are other things that need to be done on the weekends, that didnt get done during the week, it might be difficult to give yourself permission to do nothing but take some private time doing nothing but enjoying another persons company. But if there isnt some time and attention given to it, a relationship will suffer. It may suffer in silence for a while, but it will suffer just the same.
If you are at the point that you dont think you have time, even on the weekends, to dedicate to keeping your love alive, its time for you to drop some things off your schedule and make some time. Weekends are a good place to start. At first it will seem like just another task for the week, but it will soon be far from feeling like work. All it takes is some planning and organization. In the same time you could compile a grocery list, you can make a list of things to do that will nourish your relationship.
Start making plans for your weekend on Monday morning. Not only will it give you a good head start on the weekend, but it will give you something to look forward to all week. It also makes it less possible to cancel your plans if you have them all mapped out, and have been doing things all week to get ready for them.
Making time for love can be as simple as putting a load of laundry in after work every day so it isnt piled up to the ceiling by Friday night. Its also a good idea to do grocery shopping on Thursday instead of Saturday or Sunday, so its out of the way. It also helps to do errands on Friday after work so that there will be no real need to even go out of the house on the weekend if you dont want to.
There a lot of ways to structure lifes details so that they do not take over all the good things in life that really should be the rule, and not the exception; its just a matter of doing them. With enough practice you could even learn to include a few week days into your weekend romance.