Tag: TV

Commitment Overcomes Threats In Long-distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships are real. Statistics show that about 7 million Americans are engaged in long-distance relationships. However, Long distance relationships work only when commitment is present.

Long-distance relationships have common threats that only strong commitment can over come. These long-distance relationship threats include:
-Third parties. This threat comes when both partners let their loneliness take over.
-Malicious intrigues. This threat works badly when transparency and trust are absent.
-Jealousy. This threat enters the picture when insecurities come to play.

All of these long-distance relationship threats can potentially ruin any long-distance relationship when left unchecked. This is why the role of commitment must be fully understood, revitalized and actualized.

Role of Commitment in Long-Distance Relationships
The role of commitment in long distance relationships is by all means vital. It serves as an invisible chain that binds couples engaged in long-distance relationships to be together. It somehow makes the individuals involved in long-distance relationships to keep communication lines open at all times. Commitment keeps the heart loving and the love going. Commitments must be fully understood before engaging in a long-distance relationship.

Understanding Commitment
Commitments in a long-distance relationship and love are synonymous. Bear in mind that commitment without love is as good as nothing. Love without commitment is likewise worth nothing. Commitment and love are like heart and soul. Both are inseparable.

Aside from this, commitment means Turning promises in to reality. Remember, commitment is about word of honor. Always mean what is being said and say what is being meant.

Revitalizing Commitment
Commitment must be revitalized every now and then. Here are some tips for revitalizing commitments in long-distance relationships:

1. Exercise planning and setting goals together. This exercise can help couples enhance their shared beliefs, expectations and ideas. It also adds more familiarity and intimacy to their long distance relationship.
2.Maintain mutual respect for each other. Respect each others views, beliefs and opinion. Respect each others decisions. Avoid making decisions without asking consent or permission.
3.Fine time to recall as often as possible the reasons that have made the relationship come to terms. Remember. Consider only Reasons that require more than emotion. Realize that commitment usually goes beyond feelings.
4.Be optimistic all the time. Avoid skeptics as much as possible. Run away from people who are always pessimistic about long distance relationships.
5.Practice transparency. Be transparent as much as possible. Let go of the myth that too much transparency could be disastrous. Keep in mind that transparency builds trust. Transparency takes rooms of suspicion away. Commitment and transparency are likewise inseparable.
6.Learn the art of surprise. Find time sending surprises such as cards, gifts, letters, and Flowers.

Use modern technology to maintain constant communications. Do not just settle for a single mode of communication like the telephone. Try the latest forms such as Instant messaging tools, Emails, VoIP phones, snail mails, and cellphones. Most mobile phones at present have exceptional features that can connect anyone in any part of the world. Tri-band cellphone networks can be used globally worldwide. Commitment can be easily revitalize when communication lines are open at all times.

7.Share memorable experiences like:
-Exchange latest video clips and audio recordings
-Share latest photos or Personal calendars
-Watch similar TV shows or movies while talking online or on the phone.
-Answer Puzzles together while online
-Exchange digital photographs and videos of daily activities and send them through e-mail
-Exchange photos with each other also using cellphones with cameras
-Send favorite songs and ring tones through mobile phones

Romantic Ideas Turn Your Relationship Into A Fountain Of Joy

Romance is so very important to the wellbeing, health and the wealth Your relationship will produce, because it is the credit that you build-up in your partners emotional bank account that is specially kept, just for you. That is human we all to that.

Forgiveness and appreciation for who you are and who you are becoming, leniency for where you are still strengthening your skills and developing your abilities comes just so much easier when your account is in the green.

When the very thought of you is enough to protect your relationship from any onslaught. When a thought of you is enough to make your partner glow with bliss, you will realize that romance has the ability to protect your relationship, in a way that contracts and intimidation cant.

100 Romantic Ideas is a great start to a blissful relationship. I have decided to give you ten fun romantic ideas right now and when you visit my website, you can download a 101 Romantic Ideas by Michael Webb for free. This way you have 111 Romantic ideas to pick from and you can have a grand start to a marvelous, rewarding and fulfilling relationship with your partner.

Romance sets the stage for mind blowing intercourse, guaranteed.

1.First thing in the morning, brush your teeth slip back into bed with your partner and gently start kissing him/her on the earlobe, at intervals use the tip of your tongue too. When your partner is a wake whisper in his/her ear how grateful you are that you have another day together.
2.Set your alarm for one hour earlier in the morning, run the shower at the perfect temperature, play your special song, gently wake up your partner and tempt him/her into the bathroom and enjoy a shower together. This really sets the tone for the day.
3.Send your partner a small gift, such as a picture of the two of you in a quality frame, to work with a beautiful card saying you are everything I want and need
4.Buy a platter for two with your partners favorite snacks on it, meet your partner outside his/her workplace and the two of you go for a quick lunch. Remember to get something to drink. Do it with as much flair and style as possible. Buy stunning serviettes for instance.
5.Phone your favorite restaurant ask them to prepare a table for two with flowers, and candles, write a card to your partner with a list of all the things that make him/her so exceptional to you. Make an appointment with your partner to meet you at the venue, think of some excuse why you cant arrive together, be 5 min late, and let your partner discover the surprise without your presence.
6.Make dinner, let your partner join you in the kitchen, while you are preparing the food, play some music, let your partner be the head of the music department for the evening, while you do all the cooking. Pour each of you a glass of wine, in between the cooking, dance with your partner tell him/her how much you care and how wonderful, he/she makes you feel.
7.Prepare a bottle of massage oil, or buy one from a health store. Watch something together on TV that fascinates your partner but bores you. Give your partner a body massage that will turn any boring TV show into your own fun show.
8.Kiss, Kiss, Kiss never stop kissing do it often and do it with passion.
9.Go fishing at a very quite spot and do it topless. Pack a picnic basket, with some really amazing food in it. Make sure you have a blanket or something similar that you can just relax on after a hearty meal.
10.Watch the city lights together from a balcony or a safe place in the open air, have a fire burning. Fire is really filled with passion and gives plenty of ambiance, sip on a glass of wine. Then you dream together, build your future, and visualize yourself 10 years from to day.

So many couples stop dreaming once they are married, they think they have reached the goal, yet they have only given the first steps on a long road if they are blessed. The road can be rocky and full of regrets, or it can be the most wonderful most fulfilling experience life has to offer. As always the choice is yours.

According to me I was married to the Master of Romance, Hannes Manowarda. He passed a way 20 years ago, the love that we shared still sustain and inspire me this very day. He had colon cancer, but not pain, fear, uncertainty or circumstances stopped him from giving me his very best, every day.

The most heart breaking moments for me is, to watch couples go out to dinner, beautifully dressed, awesome food and venue and they sit and stare right past each other, there is nothing, the relationship is dead. They are so very lonely each of them living in their own world. All they do is performing a ritual. That is when I realize the difference between loneliness and being on your own

Anger Management The 5 Relationship Killers

At times, every marriage or significant relationship has times in which anger management would be helpful. Its pretty hard to live with someone and not get angry with them at some point. Interestingly, research has shown that its not the number of fights that couples have which predict if their relationship will last. It’s the attitude that people have towards their partner on an ongoing basis that tells how likely they are to stay together.

Relationship researchers have found several types of anger management personality styles to be particularly destructive to a relationship.

1. Belligerent anger management reactions are challenging or angry in nature. You get the sense that the spouse is looking for a fight and would argue with whatever the other says, regardless of what they say.

WIFE: Here’s an interesting article
HUSBAND: Can’t you see I’m trying to read?

HUSBAND: Do you want to watch TV tonight?
WIFE: So that’s all you think I’m good for, right? Sitting in front of the tube watching mindless TV shows all the time?
HUSBAND: Of course not. What would you like to do? Maybe you’d rather go see a play instead.
WIFE: Oh, like that’s supposed to make me feel better? (Mocking) “Maybe you’d rather go see a play instead.”

2. Contradictory anger management reactions are when a spouse seems intent on starting a debate or argument..

WIFE: Would you like a tangerine?
HUSBAND: That’s not a tangerine. It’s a Satsuma orange.

3. Domineering anger management reactions involve attempts to control the other. The goal is to get the partner to withdraw or submit. S/he may take on a paternal tone.

HUSBAND: Do you know where I’d love to go someday? India!
WIFE: Don’t be ridiculous! You’d hate it there, with all its poverty and overcrowding. Scandinavia- now there’s a place you’d really love!

WIFE: My car’s in the shop. Can you give me a lift?
HUSBAND: I suppose. But only if you’re ready at five P.M. sharp.

4. Critical anger control management are broad attacks on the partner’s character. They’re different from a complaint, which focuses on a particular event or specific behavior. People speak in global terms when being critical, using phrases like “you always” and “you never” Critical anger responses are often loaded with blame or betrayal:

HUSBAND: I’m feeling really tired. I need some time alone this afternoon.
WIFE: That figures. You’re always so lazy and self-centered. All you do is think about yourself.

WIFE: Have you got a minute? I’ve got some questions about how to do this.
HUSBAND: Okay, but make it quick. I can’t afford to hold your hand all the time.

5. Defensive anger management reactions are when one spouse gives up any responsibility for matters at hand. If one spouse is upset about something, the defensive anger responder may act like an innocent victim of misplaced blame.

HUSBAND: What a day I had! I’m exhausted.
WIFE: So you think my day was a picnic? I worked my tail off, too!

WIFE: I’m worried about the bills.
HUSBAND: It wasn’t my idea to buy the new car.

Habitually reacting to your partner without anger management says:

Your need for attention makes me angry.
I don’t respect you.
I don’t value you or this relationship.
I want to hurt you.
I want to drive you away.

One thing I have noticed in my years of practice is that couples often use their partner as a convenient whipping post for things in their life they are not satisfied with. It can become very easy to use the five anger management reactions described here as a way to lay that blame on someone. While they may bring you some satisfaction in the short run, they have been scientifically shown to be very toxic to a relationship and if you use consistently use them your marriage will be very short lived. If you find yourself in this position you may want to consider an anger management course or consider marriage counseling.

For more free info on anger management visit At times, every marriage or significant relationship has times in which anger management would be helpful. Its pretty hard to live with someone and not get angry with them at some point. Interestingly, research has shown that its not the number of fights that couples have which predict if their relationship will last. It’s the attitude that people have towards their partner on an ongoing basis that tells how likely they are to stay together.

Relationship researchers have found several types of anger management personality styles to be particularly destructive to a relationship.

1. Belligerent anger management reactions are challenging or angry in nature. You get the sense that the spouse is looking for a fight and would argue with whatever the other says, regardless of what they say.

WIFE: Here’s an interesting article
HUSBAND: Can’t you see I’m trying to read?

HUSBAND: Do you want to watch TV tonight?
WIFE: So that’s all you think I’m good for, right? Sitting in front of the tube watching mindless TV shows all the time?
HUSBAND: Of course not. What would you like to do? Maybe you’d rather go see a play instead.
WIFE: Oh, like that’s supposed to make me feel better? (Mocking) “Maybe you’d rather go see a play instead.”

2. Contradictory anger management reactions are when a spouse seems intent on starting a debate or argument..

WIFE: Would you like a tangerine?
HUSBAND: That’s not a tangerine. It’s a Satsuma orange.

3. Domineering anger management reactions involve attempts to control the other. The goal is to get the partner to withdraw or submit. S/he may take on a paternal tone.

HUSBAND: Do you know where I’d love to go someday? India!
WIFE: Don’t be ridiculous! You’d hate it there, with all its poverty and overcrowding. Scandinavia- now there’s a place you’d really love!

WIFE: My car’s in the shop. Can you give me a lift?
HUSBAND: I suppose. But only if you’re ready at five P.M. sharp.

4. Critical anger control management are broad attacks on the partner’s character. They’re different from a complaint, which focuses on a particular event or specific behavior. People speak in global terms when being critical, using phrases like “you always” and “you never” Critical anger responses are often loaded with blame or betrayal:

HUSBAND: I’m feeling really tired. I need some time alone this afternoon.
WIFE: That figures. You’re always so lazy and self-centered. All you do is think about yourself.

WIFE: Have you got a minute? I’ve got some questions about how to do this.
HUSBAND: Okay, but make it quick. I can’t afford to hold your hand all the time.

5. Defensive anger management reactions are when one spouse gives up any responsibility for matters at hand. If one spouse is upset about something, the defensive anger responder may act like an innocent victim of misplaced blame.

HUSBAND: What a day I had! I’m exhausted.
WIFE: So you think my day was a picnic? I worked my tail off, too!

WIFE: I’m worried about the bills.
HUSBAND: It wasn’t my idea to buy the new car.

Habitually reacting to your partner without anger management says:

Your need for attention makes me angry.
I don’t respect you.
I don’t value you or this relationship.
I want to hurt you.
I want to drive you away.

One thing I have noticed in my years of practice is that couples often use their partner as a convenient whipping post for things in their life they are not satisfied with. It can become very easy to use the five anger management reactions described here as a way to lay that blame on someone. While they may bring you some satisfaction in the short run, they have been scientifically shown to be very toxic to a relationship and if you use consistently use them your marriage will be very short lived. If you find yourself in this position you may want to consider an anger management course or consider marriage counseling.

Do You Need Hope Back In One’s Relationship

TRUST is difficult to earn, but easy to lose. And with out TRUST, relationships come aside quickly.

Belief is the assumption that a companion has your greatest curiosity at heart. And it’s not possible to have a wholesome relationship with out trust.

Trust is a two-manner street. Belief involves telling the truth AND being open to hearing what an accomplice has to say. But, typically the truth might be tough to tell OR hear. When this happens, trust will get broken and should be repaired.

Relationships are essential – doubtless, one of the vital essential issues we have.

On the similar time, relationships are tough, full of problems, and hard to maintain. So, knowing learn how to rebuild belief is a crucial talent to master.

Why is it vital to rebuild belief?

For starters, being able to repair trust is essential to retaining a detailed, wholesome relationship. And close relationships provide many benefits.

Individuals in close, healthy relationships live longer and luxuriate in higher health. This acquire is undoubtedly because of the truth that folks in close relationships have a constructed-in emotional and bodily support system – somebody to care for them and supply consolation in occasions of need. Not solely do people in close relationships stay longer, but they report being happier and extra satisfied with life than people who’ve a troublesome time sustaining a healthy relationship.

Having a close relationship additionally offers many tangible benefits. Sharing sources with another person is a good way to get forward in life. Two individuals working collectively can dwell higher than what either individual might do on their own. When individuals discover someone to share life with both people come out ahead.

Moreover, people in close relationships also receive extra social help – that’s, having someone who’s attentive to their wants and concerns. And having social help creates loads of benefits. Realizing that someone cares, allows people to deal with life’s problems extra effectively. People who feel beloved and supported make higher choices with much less stress and anxiety.

Lastly, having a companion makes life more enjoyable. Having somebody to share life’s little things, like strolling the dog, watching TV, consuming meals is essential; it makes life extra entertaining and enjoyable.

All informed, shut relationships present huge advantages to people who find themselves able to keep wholesome relationships.

Trapped in a Relationship 5 Ways to Cope

Many people feel trapped in a relationship, yet fail to do anything about it.

The reasons for staying stuck are numerous, including assuming it’s better for the children to stay, illness or lack of physical mobility or stamina, financial restrictions, fear of retaliation, fear of being single, fear of losing half of one’s assets, and fear of being part of a -failed- relationship.

Open and honest communication is the most recommended way to deal with feeling trapped in a relationship. But what if you’ve tried that and it didn’t work, or being too candid about how you feel isn’t an option, and you can’t leave yet for whatever reason?

Here are five other ways to help you deal with such a situation:

1) Focus on yourself and your passions instead of the relationship. If you’ve tried repairing your relationship but it hasn’t worked or she’s just not interested, it’s time to do what makes you happy. After you take care of your responsibilities such as work, caring for the children, paying bills and doing household chores, use the rest of your time to do what you want to do. Develop your independence and see yourself as an individual rather than half of a couple.

2) Use Subliminal MP3 audios. This technology can help you with almost any goal, including overcoming the perception of being trapped in a relationship. For example, sometimes just a boost of confidence, sense of humor, or self-love will make it much easier to deal with your situation. If the relationship is salvageable, a subliminal MP3 audio to improve your relationship can make a world of difference.

3) Utilize hypnosis. Many people are scared of hypnosis, thanks to silly hypnosis stage shows and movies. Essentially hypnosis is just a deep state of relaxation. In fact, you’ve been hypnotized many times without even realizing it, like when watching TV or driving a familiar route. Hypnosis can change your perception of your partner and relationship for the better, and even uncover childhood memories that may be interfering with your relationship now. You can see a trained hypnotist, or use one of many hypnosis MP3 audios available for specific relationship and personality issues.

4) Try Past Life Regression. What do past lives have to do with your current relationship? A lot, according to people who have uncovered past life issues that carried over to their current love life. The theory of reincarnation is directly related to the theory of karma, which means many of the pleasant and not so pleasant situations in your life now might be the result of your actions in past lives–not as a punishment, but to learn and grow. Even if you don’t believe in past lives, the process of past life regression can help you by perceiving it as symbolism. With the right past life therapist or MP3 audio, your mind will help you -go back to the cause,- perceive it, accept it, and release it. Past life regression can be an extremely freeing and empowering experience.

5) Free yourself from unseen negative energy with Spiritual Detox. Sometimes relationship problems are the result of negative energy. Once you remove it from your energy field and know how to spiritually protect yourself, you’ll both feel more at peace and loving, and less combative.

As dreadful as feeling trapped in a relationship is, even if you can’t change your partner, you do have the ability to change your perception of the situation and these methods will help.

Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 13 Other Spiritual Laws Besides the Law of Attraction. We offer practical spiritual guidance and tools, including Spiritual Detox and Let Go MP3 meditation audios

Copyright Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo