Category: Relationship

Ending a Relationship Gracefully – With 5 Simple Steps, Ending A Relationship Gracefully Is Possible

It is inevitable that some things, no matter how happy they are, they can still reach to a conclusion. Thus, it is so hard to make it possible in ending the relationship gracefully. There are actually many things that a break up can go down so wrong, but you can change how it has to end. So here are some key points for you in order to end the relationship rightly and properly.

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Before saying “it’s over”, assure yourself that that what it says in your mind and heart. This is important, because once you mention the subject of splitting up, there is no logical way to unmention it.

Key #1: Tell the truth – It is a sign of respect for your partner to show him the truth about the relationship. If you are ending the relationship because you have done something wrong, now is the time to say so. While telling a few lies may make breaking up seem easier, in the long run it will always come back to haunt you.

Key #2: Be calm, respectful and direct – If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that emotions will be running high as soon as you broach the subject. Keep in mind that you still have with you the control. In short, it is on you whether you will lower or higher the tone. Remain calm, respectful and direct to make things go more smoothly, but…

Key #3: Expect the unexpected – You may picture your significant other getting mad and burning up all of your clothes on the front lawn, or you may envision them sitting motionless, stone-faced and distant. Whatever the worst things you imagine for your ex to do, it will not go the way you think. As such, you really have to know your sure plans and stick with it.

Key #4: Observe signs of manipulation – There is always a chance that your soon-to-be ex will do everything they can to get you to stay. Bitterness and anger can happen when you feel you are becoming manipulated and stopped. Just be extra careful when trying to determine what’s really going on. To make it fair, do not ever dare to try manipulating the relationship and your partner to speed up the break up.

Key #5: Don’t make the past faults as a bullet – This is the most challenging key of all. While you’ll want to explain why you want to break up, don’t bring up past faults that will lead to an argument. Of course you know each other very well from what you like and dislike about each other, so there is no need to mention it now. Don’t give reasons of break up as something to hit your partner’s ego.

Ending a relationship gracefully is never an easy task. Surely it needs so much time to plan and to implement to really make it happen, so do it now if you want the break up to be a graceful end than a horrible experience.

Posses Interest in growing yourself having Public Relationship Officer Join PR programs to be the

A career in public relationships may be the right choice for you, if you love interacting with people and know how to influence people to build a positive image. It’s about managing reputation, influencing other person’s opinion and behaviour, understanding listener’s or viewer’s psyche, and generating publicity.

Public relations professionals are effective communicators and know how to handle toughest of the situations, conveying the right message at the right time to the right audience. They are also responsible for liaising with and answering queries from individuals, media or any authority.

Competencies for a PR Career

Interested in building a career in public relations? Read on to find what you will need to begin your career in this field.

1. In order to work as a public relations associate or manager, you will need to possess critical research and professional writing skills, strategic communications and social and digital media communication skills.

2. You will also need basic business skills, including accounting and financial management, organizational behaviour, business law and business research and analysis.

3. An in-depth understanding of ethics for a plural world, communication law and ethics, public affairs, issues management and crisis communications is also required.

4. You must also develop the skills to navigate the digital world and create marketing and communication programs for multi-faceted social media.

5. A deep understanding of the complex world we live in and global citizenship, corporate social responsibility and the role of communicators in bringing change in the organizations is also required.

6. You must also possess a strong command over language and a flair for writing. In addition, you must be well-groomed and have a pleasant personality.

7. The ability to maintain relationships with people is probably the most important skill required for a PR job.

Along with possessing the above mentioned competencies, you should be open to travel, ready to put extra hours at work and able to adapt to anything.

Developing Competencies

PR is a specialized field; thus, you need to undergo specialized education at least at post-secondary level to seek an entry to the world of work. There are a number of public relations programs available throughout Canada that may help you develop the knowledge, skills and attitude required to work as a PR professional.

The post-secondary public relations courses typically run for four years and provide you with solid foundation in business principles, public affairs, and corporate communications, digital and social media marketing and so on.

Although a large number of PR programs are available in the country but you should be extremely careful in selecting a program. Not all programs provide you with industry exposure, which is a mandatory requirement to build careers in this field.

Centennial College’s bachelor of public relations program offers you a unique blend of theory and practical. It uses a combination of learning methodologies, such as in-class sessions, projects, group discussions, industry visits, guest lectures and industry field placement. It’s a comprehensive and rigorous program that offers excellent employment prospects. You may easily find employment with public relations agencies, digital marketing companies, investor relations departments, hospitals and healthcare organizations.

Christian Relationship Help Your Motives Determine What Is Right Or Wrong For You

This Christian relationship help will help you determine what actions are right or wrong for you. Difficult relationships have complicated dynamics. You are required to deal with problems, crises, and dilemmas. The following question comes up often: What is the right thing for me to do? It would be convenient to have a list to follow of what is right and wrong in certain circumstances, but unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. Unless it is a clear Scriptural mandate, what is right and wrong for you is depends on your motives.

Jesus spoke often about what was in the heart that drove the behavior. He cared about why someone did a certain thing. This represents a powerful principle: Your motive determines whether your behavior is right or wrong for you.

When you are wondering whether it is right or wrong for you to help someone, to confront someone, to withhold your support, to refuse to go, to set a boundary, to say no, to say yes, or to refuse or agree to do something, ask yourself, “Why do I want to do/not do this?”
Here are some right motives:

To allow people to be responsible for themselves.

To be responsible for yourself.

To stand up for a clear Scriptural principle.

To make a stand against something that is wrong.

To be true to your own values.

To refuse to cooperate in something that is wrong for you.

To set a boundary that is right for you.

To be a good example to others.

Here are some wrong motives:

To people please out of fear of disapproval.

To allow someone to mistreat you.

To enable wrong behavior in others.

To prevent someone from facing the consequences of their own choices.

To cover up for someone else.

The next time you need to decide what to do, ask yourself why you are doing it and then weigh whether that motive is right or wrong. It will give you wisdom and discernment even in complicated situations.

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Commitment Overcomes Threats In Long-distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships are real. Statistics show that about 7 million Americans are engaged in long-distance relationships. However, Long distance relationships work only when commitment is present.

Long-distance relationships have common threats that only strong commitment can over come. These long-distance relationship threats include:
-Third parties. This threat comes when both partners let their loneliness take over.
-Malicious intrigues. This threat works badly when transparency and trust are absent.
-Jealousy. This threat enters the picture when insecurities come to play.

All of these long-distance relationship threats can potentially ruin any long-distance relationship when left unchecked. This is why the role of commitment must be fully understood, revitalized and actualized.

Role of Commitment in Long-Distance Relationships
The role of commitment in long distance relationships is by all means vital. It serves as an invisible chain that binds couples engaged in long-distance relationships to be together. It somehow makes the individuals involved in long-distance relationships to keep communication lines open at all times. Commitment keeps the heart loving and the love going. Commitments must be fully understood before engaging in a long-distance relationship.

Understanding Commitment
Commitments in a long-distance relationship and love are synonymous. Bear in mind that commitment without love is as good as nothing. Love without commitment is likewise worth nothing. Commitment and love are like heart and soul. Both are inseparable.

Aside from this, commitment means Turning promises in to reality. Remember, commitment is about word of honor. Always mean what is being said and say what is being meant.

Revitalizing Commitment
Commitment must be revitalized every now and then. Here are some tips for revitalizing commitments in long-distance relationships:

1. Exercise planning and setting goals together. This exercise can help couples enhance their shared beliefs, expectations and ideas. It also adds more familiarity and intimacy to their long distance relationship.
2.Maintain mutual respect for each other. Respect each others views, beliefs and opinion. Respect each others decisions. Avoid making decisions without asking consent or permission.
3.Fine time to recall as often as possible the reasons that have made the relationship come to terms. Remember. Consider only Reasons that require more than emotion. Realize that commitment usually goes beyond feelings.
4.Be optimistic all the time. Avoid skeptics as much as possible. Run away from people who are always pessimistic about long distance relationships.
5.Practice transparency. Be transparent as much as possible. Let go of the myth that too much transparency could be disastrous. Keep in mind that transparency builds trust. Transparency takes rooms of suspicion away. Commitment and transparency are likewise inseparable.
6.Learn the art of surprise. Find time sending surprises such as cards, gifts, letters, and Flowers.

Use modern technology to maintain constant communications. Do not just settle for a single mode of communication like the telephone. Try the latest forms such as Instant messaging tools, Emails, VoIP phones, snail mails, and cellphones. Most mobile phones at present have exceptional features that can connect anyone in any part of the world. Tri-band cellphone networks can be used globally worldwide. Commitment can be easily revitalize when communication lines are open at all times.

7.Share memorable experiences like:
-Exchange latest video clips and audio recordings
-Share latest photos or Personal calendars
-Watch similar TV shows or movies while talking online or on the phone.
-Answer Puzzles together while online
-Exchange digital photographs and videos of daily activities and send them through e-mail
-Exchange photos with each other also using cellphones with cameras
-Send favorite songs and ring tones through mobile phones

What Can You Do When You Feel Lonely In Your Relationship

When we think of lonely people, we usually imagine single people sitting by themselves. Would it surprise you if you heard that many lonely people are in long-term relationships and yet are very, very unhappy? Let us look at some of the reasons why people may be lonely in relationships

People who were once in love and crazy about each other may grow old and bored with each other. Life has a way of changing us so that things we loved to do once may bore us as we grow older. What if the people we live with grow away from us emotionally?
There are many other reasons why we may feel alienated from people in our own household. Addictions, Adultery, Abuse, etc are some of the reasons why people remain private in their misery. Taking care of a baby, or an ailing relative, sick children, etc can also drive one to desperation.

Some people remain in dysfunctional marriages because of cultural pressures, religious, economical or ethical reasons or other reasons such as fear of change or fear of living independently.

The aftermath of such devastating relationships where love is absent is that the two people involved live like strangers in their own home. Also, as children are like sponges, they absorb all the negativity and silent rage and continue the cycle of self-loathing and passivity in their own relationships.

Lack of appreciation is the number one reason why people dissolve their marriages. Each day is offered to us anew to make up for our mistakes or shortcomings. Boredom is most often seen in marriages or relationships where people take each other for granted

For example, the husband may lose interest and let himself gain weight and soon the wife is not attracted to him and looks elsewhere for attention. If they had talked about it when the problem was in its early stages and decided to work through it, they could have stayed together happily for a long time!

If both partners find completely new interests and do not have time to share with each other, relationships will not continue to flourish as before. Although it is normal for men and women to have differing interests, it is also possible to find activities to do that can be enjoyed by both the partners.

Many of us fall in love and get married. After the first few years, we get busy with raising our children. As children grow up, we are caught up with their school, extra-curricular activities, check-ups, birthday parties, etc. Sometimes we lose our previous friendships and bonds while we get immersed in parenthood

Parents learn to play many roles while raising children. They become teachers, therapists, nurses, doctors, nutritionists, seamstresses, crafts people, etc. during the decades they raise children. When the children are ready to leave home, parents find that they are at a loss as to what they do with their time. This can become a devastating condition called Empty Nest syndrome.

Sexual Frustration

Lonely mums (with husbands still around), people trapped in lonely marriages, those who have lost passion in existing relationships, etc. live each day without the ability to connect with each other.

Some people, even though they are married, try to find potential mates on dating sites. An internet search wouldnt do any harm, they think. The search may not be the problem; the situation is the problem!

When a couple has been married for over a couple of decades, boredom can set in. Familiarity breeds contempt and loathing if our emotions are not properly re-programmed. Most people know that long lasting, happy marriages are a rarity now-a-days. It is very important that those who are in relationships need to work out their frustration and connect with their partners to have a successful sexual and emotional rapport.

The internet is beset with frustrating experiences of sexual perversion, scams, spam and hoaxes. The paradox of the internet is that as the world is getting more connected, people are also getting more and more isolated. One can live in one state and work in another state or part of the world. Business travel has increased exponentially and many families are alienated by physical and emotional distances. This separates couples and leads to sexual frustration and loneliness

The intense longing for sexual satisfaction in lonely women (widows, nuns, etc.) agitates the mind, causes mystery illnesses and may finally lead to loneliness and depression. Chinese medicine believes that the exchange of sexual energy (Yin and Yang) is responsible for the overall health of human beings.

Despite the gender stereotypes, it is not always men who want sex and women who dont. There are women whose libido is higher than their partners. Older women who have completed their responsibilities and are now ready for a wild and carefree time, may find their enthusiasm come to a screeching halt because their partner has no interest in enjoying sex.

Whichever gender, sexual frustration is happening to; this situation is painful and extremely exasperating. Connecting to each other through gentle discussions and loving approaches may work for partners


Communciation is the key to bringing your relationship back to life! And by communication I dont mean talking only, but also sharing experiences together and finding that connection again that seemed to have been lost for such a long time.

If you feel that your partner is not opening up or discussing his/her problems with you, it may be helpful to see a therapist or counselor. If both partners wish to have a good relationship, this is a wonderful way to get another person to mediate. Both partners should be willing to give and take as well as communicate their thoughts and worries as much as they can.

If you are in a strained relationship and feel alienated from someone who was very close you of if you just want to spice up your existing relationship, you can try doing activities together. The purpose of these activities is to find that connection again. It is preferable to do activities that both of you enjoy doing, but it also helps just to be supportive in your partners interest by joining for an activity that is your partners passion.

Most relationships change with time. The only way to keep our friendships flourishing is to keep a constant dialogue between us about our feelings and our expectations of the relationship. As we grow older, our interests change. People need to constantly find new networks for hobbies and other interests where they can get involved, test the waters and re-assess their likes and dislikes once in a while. This is very important to keep learning and to cherish ones own uniqueness in life. If you want to learn more about how you can cope with loneliness, you can download the e-book from my website.